On mixed problems for a class of fractional order equations with involution


  • Kh.A. Muratov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • B.Kh. Turmetov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

mixed task,fractional derivative,involution, nonlocal equation, Hadamard operator, heat conduction equation, Dirichlet condition, the Neumann condition.


In this paper, we consider new classes of differential equations of fractional order
related to Hadamard derivatives. These equations generalize the well-known heat conduction
equation for the fractional exponent of the time derivative. For the equations under consideration,
mixed problems with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are studied. The Fourier method
is used to solve these problems. Two auxiliary problems are obtained for ordinary differential
equations of fractional order and ordinary differential equations with involution. The spectral
properties of ordinary differential operators with involution are studied. For the main problems,
theorems on the existence and uniqueness of solutions are proved.



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