Basic questions of optics training


  • N. A. Shektibaev Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • B. Spabek Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Optics education, optics teaching methods, optics experiments, optics demonstrations, interactive optics learning, computer simulations in optics education.


«Basic Questions of Optics Training» involves the study of various approaches and strategies for effective teaching of optics to students who do not have prior experience or knowledge in this field. This topic is important because optics is a fundamental aspect of physics and is used in a variety of fields, including medicine, engineering, and telecommunications. The aim of teaching optics from scratch is to help students understand the basic principles of optics and how they are applied in different areas.
Some of the key methods used in teaching optics from scratch include using hands-on demonstrations and experiments to help students visualize the concepts, problem-based learning to help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and the use of technology, such as simulations and interactive software, to enhance the learning experience.
Research in this field has focused on identifying effective teaching methods and developing innovative strategies for teaching optics from scratch. The literature on this topic includes studies that explore the use of different teaching methods and technologies, as well as those that investigate the effectiveness of these approaches in enhancing student learning and engagement.
Furthermore, the topic of teaching optics from scratch is important for addressing the challenge of increasing diversity and inclusivity in physics education. Many students, particularly those from underrepresented groups, may lack the prior knowledge or background in physics and may face barriers in accessing and succeeding in physics courses. Effective strategies for teaching optics from scratch can help to bridge this gap and provide all students with a strong foundation in physics.


"Optics Education: Teaching and Learning Optics - A Resource Guide" by The Optical Society. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of optics education, including teaching strategies, learning resources, and assessment tools. Available at:

"Light and Optics: Principles and Practices" by Stephen M. Pompea and Janet Fender. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of optics, including light waves, reflection, refraction, and diffraction, and includes hands-on activities and real-world examples. Available at:

Кириченко, А. С., & Кириченко, В. А. (2016). Основы оптики: учебное пособие. Москва: Юрайт.

Сивухин, Д. В. (2003). Общий курс физики. Т. 4. Оптика. Москва: Наука.

Гусев, И. В., & Савченко, Ю. М. (2021). Оптика: учебник для студентов вузов. Москва: МГТУ им. Баумана.

Andaloro G., Bellomonte L. and Sperandeo-Mineo R. M. Computer learning environment in the field of Newtonian mechanics. – London: Publishing House of the International Journal of Scientific Education. - 1997. – 19. 660-682 p.

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Wang J., Zhou M., Donghui G. Investigation of the influence of model-based research pedagogy on students' research skills in a virtual physical laboratory. – Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers BV. Computers in human behavior. – 2015. – 49. 657 – 670s.

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Дьячук П., Лариков В. Применение компьютерных технологий обучения в средней школе. - Красноярск: Изд-во КГПУ. – 1996.

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Кpacикoв C.A. Кoмпьютepнoe мoдeлиpoвaниe нa уpoкax физики. – Aлмaты, 2001. – 194 c.

"Interactive Simulation Tools for Optics Learning," S. Kalaidjian, S. Meister, and J. Engelhardt, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9289, 2014.

"Interactive Simulation Tools for Optics Learning," S. Kalaidjian, S. Meister, and J. Engelhardt, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9289, 2014. 18. Paмaнкулoв Ш.Ж., Бepкимбaeв К.М., Capыбaeвa Ә.X., Шeктибaeв Н.A. «Физикaлық құбылыcтap»: элeктpoнды oқу құралы. Қaзaқcтaн Pecпубликacы Әділeт миниcтpлігі,.-2015.- № 678.-45 б

Новиков, И. И., & Щепин, О. Н. (2014). Основы оптики: учебное пособие. Москва: Лань.

Потапов, А. А. (2012). Оптика: учебное пособие. Москва: Издательский центр "Академия".

Лазарев, А. А. (2018). Оптика: учебное пособие. Москва: Издательство Юрайт.

"Teaching Optics with Classroom Demonstrations" by K. F. Edwards and M. Kono, American Journal of Physics, 65, 1081 (1997).

"Teaching Optics Using Interactive Demonstrations and Simulations" by J. E. Lewis and C. W. Fultz, American Journal of Physics, 71, 69 (2003).

"Teaching Optics Through Problem-Solving" by M. E. Shubert, J. D. Phillips, and S. S. Shahin, Physics Teacher, 53, 292 (2015).

"Teaching Optics Concepts with Digital Media and Simulation Tools" by A. J. LaPorta and C. S. Sorensen, Physics Teacher, 58, 82 (2020).

"Teaching Optics with a Combination of Inquiry-Based Laboratories and Digital Media" by K. T. Chitwood and M. L. Mills, Physics Teacher, 59, 17 (2021).

"Teaching Optics from Scratch: An Introduction to Optics for Novice Learners" by M. L. Mills and A. J. LaPorta, Journal of College Science Teaching, 50, 62 (2020).

"Teaching Optics with Simple Experimentation" by C. L. Cramer and D. B. Hume, Physics Teacher, 55, 361 (2017).

"Teaching Optics Concepts Using Inquiry-Based Laboratories" by J. B. Baird and J. F. Kuo, Physics Teacher, 54, 464 (2016).

"Teaching Optics Using Interactive and Engaging Demonstrations" by M. L. Mills and J. R. Weaver, Physics Teacher, 57, 155 (2019).

"Teaching Optics Using Project-Based Learning" by J. B. Baird and J. F. Kuo, Physics Teacher, 56, 435 (2018).

Dubinin, V. A. (1999). Optics. Moscow: Fizmatlit.

Shirokov, A. P. (2011). Optics: a textbook. Moscow: Lan.

"Optics Education: Teaching and Learning Optics - A Resource Guide" by The Optical Society. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of optics education, including teaching strategies, learning resources, and assessment tools. Available at:

"Light and Optics: Principles and Practices" by Stephen M. Pompea and Janet Fender. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of optics, including light waves, reflection, refraction, and diffraction, and includes hands-on activities and real-world examples. Available at:

Kırıchenko, A.S., & Kırıchenko, V. A. (2016). Osnovi optiki:uchebnoe posobie. Moskva: Iuraıt.

Sıvuhın, D. V. (2003).obshii kurs fiziki. T.4. Optıka. Moskva: Nauka.

Gusev, I.V., & Savchenko, Iu. M. (2021). Optıka: uchebnik dlia studentov. Moskva: MGTU. Baumana.

Andaloro G., Bellomonte L. and Sperandeo-Mineo R. M. Computer learning environment in the field of Newtonian mechanics. – London: Publishing House of the International Journal of Scientific Education. - 1997. – 19. 660-682 p.

Beshenkov S.A., Rakıtına E., Mındzaeva E. – Rossia:Izdatelstvo "Kıberlenınka". Invormasionnoe obrozavanie v Rossii. Znania.Ponimania.Sposobnost. – 2013. № 3. 42-51 s

E.S. Polat, M. Iu. Buharkına. Sovremennie pedagogicheskie I informosionnie tehnologii v sisteme obrozobania. - Moskva: Izdatelskii sentr "Akademıa". – 2010. – 17s.

Wang J., Zhou M., Donghui G. Investigation of the influence of model-based research pedagogy on students' research skills in a virtual physical laboratory. – Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers BV. Computers in human behavior. – 2015. – 49. 657 – 670s.

Jingying V., Yaozhong L., Ming J., Jingbing Ch. Exploring the Impact of cloud pedagogy on creative talents: A case study of a Chinese high school. – Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers BV. Computers in human behavior. – 2016. – 63. 228-240c.

Dachuk P., Larıkov V. V premenenie komputernih tehnologi obucheni v srednoi shkole. - Krasnoıarsk: Izdatelstvo KGPU. – 1996.

Becker H.J. How are teachers using computers ininstruction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA. -2001. - 45 р.

Moldabekova M.S. K metodike izuchenia nekotoryh voprosov teplomassoobmena s premeneniem informosionnyh tehnologii//Sb.trudov "Aktualnie problemi sovremmennoi fiziki": Mettepıalli Mejdun. Nauch. konf., posviach. 80-letniu Professora S. I. Isataeva -Almaty: Kazak unıversıteti, - 2012. - s. 47 -50.

Jumadıllaev K. N. Fızıkalyk tajiribilerdı vırtualdy komputerlık modeldeu. - Almaty, 2002. - 65 b.

Krasıkov S. A. Komputernoe vodelirovanie na urokah fiziki. - Almaty, 2001. – 194 s.

"Interactive Simulation Tools for Optics Learning," S. Kalaidjian, S. Meister, and J. Engelhardt, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9289, 2014.

"Interactive Simulation Tools for Optics Learning," S. Kalaidjian, S. Meister, and J. Engelhardt, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9289, 2014.

Ramanqulov Sh. J., Berkimbaev K.M., Sarybaeva A.H., Shektibaev N.Bar. "Fızıka kubyrlary": elektrondy kural. Kazakstan Respublıkasy Adilet mınıstrligi,.-2015.- № 678.-45 b

Novıkov, I. I., & Shepın, O. N. (2014). Osnovi optika: Ucebnoe posobie.Moskva: Lan.

Potapov, A. A. (2012). Optıka: uchebnoe posobia. Moskva: Izdatelski sentr "Akademıa".

Lazarev, A. A. (2018). Optıka: uchebnoe posobia . Moskva: Izdatelstvo Iuraıt .

"Teaching Optics with Classroom Demonstrations" by K. F. Edwards and M. Kono, American Journal of Physics, 65, 1081 (1997).

"Teaching Optics Using Interactive Demonstrations and Simulations" by J. E. Lewis and C. W. Fultz, American Journal of Physics, 71, 69 (2003).

"Teaching Optics Through Problem-Solving" by M. E. Shubert, J. D. Phillips, and S. S. Shahin, Physics Teacher, 53, 292 (2015).

"Teaching Optics Concepts with Digital Media and Simulation Tools" by A. J. LaPorta and C. S. Sorensen, Physics Teacher, 58, 82 (2020).

"Teaching Optics with a Combination of Inquiry-Based Laboratories and Digital Media" by K. T. Chitwood and M. L. Mills, Physics Teacher, 59, 17 (2021).

"Teaching Optics from Scratch: An Introduction to Optics for Novice Learners" by M. L. Mills and A. J. LaPorta, Journal of College Science Teaching, 50, 62 (2020).

"Teaching Optics with Simple Experimentation" by C. L. Cramer and D. B. Hume, Physics Teacher, 55, 361 (2017).

"Teaching Optics Concepts Using Inquiry-Based Laboratories" by J. B. Baird and J. F. Kuo, Physics Teacher, 54, 464 (2016).

"Teaching Optics Using Interactive and Engaging Demonstrations" by M. L. Mills and J. R. Weaver, Physics Teacher, 57, 155 (2019).

"Teaching Optics Using Project-Based Learning" by J. B. Baird and J. F. Kuo, Physics Teacher, 56, 435 (2018).

Dubinin, V. A. (1999). Optics. Moscow: Fizmatlit.

Shirokov, A. P. (2011). Optics: a textbook. Moscow: Lan.

