The appearance of Arabic and Persian words in the “Hikmets” of Yasawi


  • Mansurov N.B. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


loanwords, Hikmet words, Turkish language, Arabic language, Persian language, religious language.


The article discusses the reasons for the appearance of Arabic and Persian words in the hikmet of Khoja Akhmet Yasawi. The main principle of the study is to highlight why borrowed words  were  needed,  to  identify  the  presence of religious themes that served as the basis for their



*Бізге дұрыс сілтеме жасаңыз:

Мансұров Н.Б. Ясауи хикметтеріндегі араб, парсы кірме сөздерінің орын алуы // Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы. – 2023. – №3 (129). – Б. 24–37.

*Cite us correctly:

Mansuгov N.B. Iasaui hikmetterіndegі arab, parsy kіrme sozderіnіn oryn aluy [The appearance of Arabic and Persian words in the “Hikmets” of Yasawi] // Iasaui universitetіnіn habarshysy. – 2023. – №3(129). – B. 24–37.

use, and the maturity of Yasawi's religious knowledge. Thus, to show the spiritual nature of the personality common to the Turkmen people, to describe the meaning of their religious and spiritual teachings. Such searches systematically reveal the meaningful nature of the Hikmet Yasawi and reveal the meaning of borrowed words in it, as well as provide an opportunity to comprehend their lexical and semantic meaning. At the same time, for a deep understanding of the Hikmets of Khoja Akhmet Yasawi, it becomes necessary to determine the semantic nature of the words used in it. Therefore, it is important to analyze the linguistic use of ancient wisdom, as well as Arabic and Persian words and expressions. This, in turn, will be the main reason for understanding the wisdom and clarifying the ultimate purpose of each thought and the meaning of language use in hikmet. For this reason, the article considered Arabic and Persian words in hikmet as the object of research. In the course of the study, the borrowed words in the hikmet Yasawi were analyzed and the meanings were highlighted. The values of the effects were compared and their existing content was revealed. The peculiarities of the Hikmet language were also noted and statistical data of Arabic and Persian words that took place in use were shown.


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