Development of environmental projects within the framework of extracurricular physics education using modern learning technologies


  • A.N. MEYRBEK Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • N.A SHEKTIBAYEV Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

physics, education, alternative, project, technology, modern education.


The development of environmental projects within the framework of
extracurricular physics education using modern teaching technologies is an urgent and promising
area of pedagogical activity. The article examines the importance of the environmental component
in the educational process and ways to integrate environmental projects into the curriculum. The
advantages of using virtual and augmented reality technologies, interactive models and robotics to
organize exciting and informative activities are highlighted. Examples of successful practice are
given and recommendations are offered to teachers and educational organizations on the
implementation of such projects. The purpose of the article is to stimulate discussion and
dissemination of experience in the field of environmental education and the practical application of modern educational technologies in teaching physics. The development of environmental projects
within the framework of extracurricular physics education using modern teaching technologies is
justified by several key factors.
Firstly, environmental problems are becoming more acute in the modern world, and it is
important to form a responsible attitude towards the environment among students. Environmental
projects within the framework of physical education make it possible to draw attention to
environmental problems and contribute to the formation of environmental awareness.
Secondly, the use of modern technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, interactive
models and robotics makes the learning process more exciting and effective. These technologies
enable the creation of interactive simulations and experiments that help students better understand
physical phenomena and their relationship to the environment.
Finally, the development of environmental projects contributes to the development of
creative thinking and practical skills of students. Participation in projects allows you to apply
theoretical knowledge in practice, which increases their motivation and interest in studying physics.



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