Research activity of students in the study of the section «Stereometry»


  • B. Alikhanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G. Utebaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

research ability, activity, formation, stereometry, critical thinking, spatial thinking, creativity.


The article discusses the importance of developing the experience of students' research activities in the study of geometry, and in particular the section «Stereometry».
The relevance of the research lies in the development of pedagogical practice of mathematics teachers for the formation of research skills of high school students, which better determine the search ability, critical thinking through reflection, comprehension when solving problems.
In the process of conducting a study to develop the student's thinking ability, his own pedagogical teaching practice was analyzed. In geometry lessons, teaching methods were used to form students' research abilities in solving problems: the ability to work with text, write a short note, apply theoretical material, work with additional lines. In order to develop theoretical material, determine the research activities of students, the advanced works of scientists and teachers, and research practice by the method of pedagogical analysis were studied.
As a result of observation and research of pedagogical practice of teaching, it was noticed that children began to be more interested in geometry, to think spatially, a meaningful understanding of the subject appeared. Students' research activities were organized through mathematical projects. When working with the project, students were active in studying new topics, self-esteem, motivation for development, skills for search work, the ability to explore.
When observing the process of learning geometry, it was found that the development of research abilities in solving problems increased the percentage of learning quality. Therefore, it is necessary for a mathematics teacher to introduce more stereometric tasks into his teaching practice, which are designed to form critical thinking and represent spatial thinking. To form motivation, self-esteem of the student, mathematics teachers can organize work on projects.



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