Analysis of the feasibility of the axiomatic principles of statistical physics


  • Ye. Dossymov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • D. Makhmudov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Research, model, simulation, computer simulation, statistical physics, axiom.


Analyzing scientific works and researches in this article, we were convinced that today, in accordance with modern requirements, there is still a need to find a solution to the methodological features of teaching statistical physics in higher educational institutions, the methods and ways of organizing educational activities that form the interest of students.

In order to realize the possibilities of statistical physics in higher educational institutions, the purpose, methods and content of teaching it as a subject should be interdisciplinary in accordance with the knowledge and skills of the student in special subjects. Therefore, in the creation of a methodological system of teaching statistical physics in a professional direction in higher education organizations, it is important to create opportunities for the development of visual intuitive foundations and practical orientation, to accept concepts, conclusions and problems related to the future profession of the learner with ways of thinking, while implementing interdisciplinary communication with special subjects.

Thus, the contradiction between the need to teach statistical physics in a professional direction and its unsatisfactory solution in practice has become the reason for the relevance of the research topic. In order to train future professionals, the content of the statistical physics course should be selected in the direction of forming the methodological skills necessary for the future professional activities of the students. All of the above was the basis for choosing the research topic "Creating the interest of students by using innovative methods in the teaching of the statistical physics course" and determining its importance. The purpose of the work: to improve the teaching management system at different stages of the lesson, to strengthen the motivation to study, to increase the quality of education and training, to increase the level of preparation of students in the subject of statistical physics.



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