Development of Innovative Skills of Primary Class Students Through Robotics

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  • N.S. Karataev O. Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University
  • Halil Ibrahim Bulbul Gazi University
  • B.S. Ualikhanovа O. Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University


robotics, elementary school, curriculum, robotics in education, innovative technology, digital resource, innovative skill.


The purpose of writing the article is to study and identify the impact of robotics education in elementary school on the development of innovative skills of students (skills of communication, interaction, and independent decision–making of students). Given the need for a modern workforce in the 21st century, the article found out how practical robotics activities contribute to creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork in primary school students. Research on the impact of robotics teaching on primary school students is analyzed and shown to contribute to the enrichment of the educational field and the integration of innovative pedagogical approaches to better prepare students for future tasks.

The main results of the study demonstrate a significant improvement in the innovation skills of junior primary school students due to robotics training. Hands-on robotics experiences were accompanied by increased creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Integrating robotics into the classroom successfully combined theoretical knowledge with practical application, reinforcing core STEM concepts. The impact of this approach extends beyond the educational context, allowing robotics education to be seen as a dynamic platform for developing interest and innovation. Developing children's problem-solving skills through concrete tasks and collaborative learning experiences helps prepare them for a technological future. By understanding the multifaceted benefits of robotics education for developing innovative skills, educators can play an important role in preparing students for success in the ever-changing world of the 21st century. This study makes a significant contribution to the debate on innovative pedagogical approaches by emphasizing the need for holistic education that goes beyond traditional educational structures.


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