Ways to introduce the concept of "vector" in geometry


  • B.R. Muzapparova Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • M.D. Koshanova Hoca Аhmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Vector, school, geometry course , topic


In this paper, the methods of teaching the topic "vector" when studying the course of geometry at school are considered. One of the most difficult topics in geometry lessons for secondary students is considered to be the topics "vectors" and "Vector method in solving problems". In addition, the concept of a vector is one of the basic concepts in modern geometry. To increase the effectiveness of the study of the topic of vectors, historical analysis is considered, as well as teaching methods that students face when studying the topic. These problems are identified by special scientific methods aimed at ensuring the study of the topic of vectors in the geometry course of a secondary educational institution.
The teacher, teaching students the vector method, develops their cognitive interest, because on the basis of the vector method, it will be possible to enter coordinates on the plane in the future.
The topic of vectors is very important. This is because, first of all, it allows you to find a solution using vectors, making it easier to solve many problems of mathematics that are solved by other methods. In addition, it provides a great opportunity not only to make the proofs of many theorems understandable to students through vectors, but also to teach the search for solutions to problems and proofs of theorems.
Secondly, the concept of vector is used in many applications of the mathematics course. For example, it is also used in school algebra and geometry, or in function theory and probability theory.
Thirdly, the concept of a vector is an important concept in physics. Vectors also establish the interdisciplinary relationship between physics and mathematics.


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