Features of analysis and selection of microprocessors in modern control systems


  • Е. Bekayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Kaharman Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

automated control system and classification, software and testing, modular and integration testing, data, data migration.


The article discusses the results of a brief retrospective review of the current microprocessors in control systems and the main directions of their development. The main requirements and selection criteria presented at the stage of the microprocessor design process in modern control systems, classification and architectural features of microprocessors are described. In addition, the «pipeline» processing method for maximizing processor performance, features of the analysis and selection of microprocessors in modern control systems using various architectural solutions for the elimination of contradictions arising in it related to conflicts are studied. According to the «pipeline» principle, three main types of processor architecture (VLIW – Very Long Instruction Word) with superscalar and multiple computing devices working in parallel are defined - depending on data, management and structural conflicts. Therefore, their use in VLIW processors and the limitation of their application in the field of scientific research is justified, due to the fact that the source codes are transmitted in a «closed» form. The main advantage of superscalar microprocessors is the independence of program-executable codes from their structure and the possibility of their execution on any processor models. In addition, the features of the EPIC architecture are described, which combines the advantages of the two different architectural solutions considered.



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