Scientific discovery – electrodynamic induction


  • T. Turmambekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • N. Mastenova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

electromagnetic induction, electric field, conductor, electric interaction of charges, relative motion of field and conductor, electrodynamic induction.


This article presents experimental evidence and a description of the scientific discovery «The phenomenon of electric current excitation in a conductor moving in an electrostatic field». The first class of effects I will show you are those caused by the electrostatic force. It is the force that controls the movement of atoms, collides, and generates heat and light energy. This force also causes atoms to combine in an infinite number of ways according to nature's fantastic designs, and to form all the amazing structures we see around us. According to Maxwell's theory, an eddy magnetic field should always appear when the electric field changes. In our work, we will study relatively low-frequency changes in the magnetic field, which are negligible compared to its theoretical calculation. In addition, there is every reason to believe that in practice no magnetic field occurs inside the capacitor. The conclusions of these works can be confirmed by the operation of the Tesla transformer, whose high-voltage end is connected to a single capacitor, which in turn forms a capacitor with the surface of the Earth. Due to the quarter-wave distribution, we can only observe the electric field around this capacitor, and the magnetic field appears in the current (ground) part of this transformer.



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