Formation of students' mental activity by improving the applied focus of learning a geometric


  • Zh. Yerkisheva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • D. Yerboluly Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

geometric construction problems, methods of teaching geometry, methods for constructing problems, stages of problem solving.


Prerequisites for the study the problems of implementing the applied direction of teaching the topic of geometric construction in the geometry course of secondary school are most relevant, since there are no clear basic methods for the formation of students' thinking activities in this direction.

This article discusses the results of a scientific study aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge in any section of school geometry, which aims to give the student the skills to use the means of drawing the properties of geometric shapes and relationships. For this purpose, students were given a review of the literature on the implementation of the applied direction of geometry, focusing on mathematical statements in order to improve the applied direction of geometry.

In the framework of the topic, the analysis was carried out in the course of improving this topic, due to the fact that mathematics teachers did not pay enough attention to the problems of construction in the geometry course of secondary school due to lack of time, students did not develop skills in solving problems of the applied direction of geometry.

As a result of research, geometric construction problems are an important element of the mathematical preparation of schoolchildren. Using the problems of geometric construction, its application points were determined. The ways of implementing the applied direction in teaching geometry to students are described. Also, when teaching the geometry course, problems of the applied direction were collected in the school's geometry textbooks, ways to solve them were considered, and plot geometric tasks were prepared in order to increase the creativity of students.

The stages of solving the practice-oriented geometric construction problem and the principles of implementing the applied direction of teaching mathematics, defined as a special type of plot problem, reflecting the use of geometric means in practical situations, are also studied. In the future, it can be used as a methodological tool for mathematics teachers in teaching construction problems.



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