Ways to form practical skills in students using the «Geogebra» program in teaching algebra


  • М. Муратбекова Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Д. Туленова Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Geogebra, graphic environment, digital technology, methodological manual, computer resources, quadratic function.


Training through special computer resources as ways to form practical skills in students based on the use of the «Geogebra» program in teaching algebra is an urgent problem of our time.
The article showed the results of research work on the use of the geogebra program in mastering the topic of quadratic functions in the discipline algebra of the 8th grade in the intensive implementation of the work on constructing graphs of the sought-after functions using a special graphical environment.
Scientific research was carried out on the basis of school-gymnasium No.1 in Kentau. In the course of conducting a scientific study within the framework of the topic, a pedagogical experiment was organized among 8th grade students, control research methods were used, and students were surveyed.
In the school mathematics course, students practical skills were formed using digital technologies. During the lesson, the Geogebra program was used.
The result of scientific research can be used in teaching a course of Mathematics at school as a methodological guide for mathematics teachers or as an additional material for students. With the help of this instruction, you can quickly achieve results during the course of the lesson.
Using the search experience, methodological kits for use in mathematics lessons and auxiliary materials for teachers related to the Geogebra program were developed.
Within the framework of the «Geogebra» program, using the control method during the lesson, a control and an experiment on the release of reports were carried out.



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