Classification of computer games in terms of algorithms


  • G. Kazbekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Y. Serdaliyev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Mobile game, smartphone, Unreal Engine, Unity, Android, iOS, Java-platform, cross-platform, The Cyberathlete Professional League, Windows, Linux, video game.


Depending on the type of computer games can be divided into two types: role-playing and non-role-playing. In a role-playing game on a computer, the player assumes the role of the character he controls, that is, the construction of the game is such that the player acts as a specific or imaginary computer hero. According to the degree of influence on the psychological state of a person, it is role-playing games that have the most powerful effect on the human psyche. Games of this type should predispose a person to enter the role of a computer hero and the atmosphere of the game itself due to the graphic and sound design. The primary importance of role-playing games is not based on the element of excitement, although it is still present in it.

In traditional AI research, the goal is to create real intelligence, albeit by artificial means. In projects such as Kismet of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), an attempt is being made to create an AI capable of learning and social interaction, the manifestation of emotions. At the time of writing this article, MIT is working on creating an AI that has the level of abilities of a small child, and the results of this work are very promising.

From the point of view of games, genuine AI goes far beyond the requirements of an entertainment software project. In games, such power is not needed. Game AI should not be endowed with feelings and self-awareness (to be honest, and it's very good that this is so!), it does not need to learn anything outside the framework of the gameplay. The real purpose of AI in games is to simulate intelligent behavior and to provide the player with a convincing, plausible task.



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