Features of the organization of 3D experiments in physics.


  • N.A. Shektibaev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • B. Spabek Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University


Optics, 3D experiment, 3D modeling, quantitative and qualitative method, virtual laboratory


This article examines the study of the features of the easy organization of virtual experiments in the section «Optics».
This research is aimed at improving the conceptual skills of a future specialist in the field of optics with the help of a virtual laboratory. This research and development consisted of three stages, namely preliminary research, design of a virtual laboratory and testing of a virtual laboratory. Due to the training conditions, it is very difficult to perform virtual laboratory work. Combining query-based learning with virtual laboratory activities can be an alternative to developing a simpler, but meaningful learning process within the framework of training. This study is aimed at analyzing virtual laboratory activities through training based on the request for scientific literacy on the topics of light phenomena and optics.
The study used mixed methods with a consistent design in the form of a non-equivalent design of the control group. Samples were taken using the target sampling method. The data was collected through observations, surveys and tests, as well as interviews. The data were then analyzed using an independent sampling criterion and a homogeneity test to see the effectiveness of the training of the two sample groups. The results show that the practical effectiveness of training using a virtual laboratory was very successful and received good reviews. The effectiveness of the virtual laboratory can be assessed by the level. Thus, virtual laboratories can be used as teaching aids that can make a positive contribution to improving student academic performance.


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