Features for teaching limit theory to high school students


  • S. A. Ismailova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • G. J. Nazarova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University


theory of limits, value of limits, method of definition, limit of function, teaching method, properties, Cauchy, remarkable limits, value at a point, uncertainly, disclosure of uncertainties, magnitude.


This article is devoted to a deeper study and analysis of the theory of limits and is devoted to all aspects that allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, to gain comprehensive knowledge when studying the theory of limits of higher mathematics. In this paper, the authors’ works related to the topic of restrictions are considered. The article discusses current topics related to the theory of limits and various methods of solving mathematical problems. The curriculum on the subject of algebra initiatives of analysis of the natural-matematical direction is provided and the analysis of textbooks is carried out, the advantages of textbooks are shown. In the course of research work, control, questionarre, pedagogical methods were used, a pedagogical analysis of the literature related to the research topic was carried out. In addition, it was proposed to present information in the form of an effective form of presentation – presentation, in our case, in the form of a scheme aimed at ensuring that students memorize formulas longer and can intelligently use formulas when solving problems. Discussing the results of the survey, it was found that students interested in solving problematic problems, ready to work with additional literature, are able to complete tasks. The results of the scientific research can be used as an auxiliary tool for mathematics specialists who teach algebra and analysis courses according to the school curriculum.


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