
  • YE. Dossymov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Tuymebekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


axiomatics, closed system, postulate, equilibrium, microstates.


This article presents an analysis of scientific papers and research on axiomatic principles and detailed balance, we are convinced that even today, in accordance with modern requirements, there is still a need to address axiomatic principles and detailed balance, methods and methods for their study.

As mentioned earlier, the axiomatics of statistical physics is reduced to the principle of equal probability of the existence of an equilibrium closed physical system in all microstates accessible to it. This postulate, in turn, suggests that the time-averaged probability of the direct and reverse transition of the system between two selected groups of microstates in the accessible region of the phase space must be the same in both directions (this follows from the definition of an equilibrium state, which contains the requirement of stationarity).

In fairness, it should be noted that the principle of detailed balance is not a consequence of the axiomatic principles of statistical physics, and therefore, strictly speaking, is not required to be applied within the framework of this axiomatics. There are situations and outcomes we have given in this article, when the principle of equal probability of available microstates in a closed system is satisfied, but the principle of detailed statistical equilibrium is not.



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