


The need to study boundary value problems for elliptic equations is dictated by numerous practical applications in the theoretical study of the processes of hydrodynamics, electrostatics, mechanics, heat conduction, elasticity theory, quantum physics. The distributions of the potential of the electrostatic field are described using the Poisson equation, and when studying the vibrations of thin plates of small deflections, biharmonic equations arise.

This work is devoted to the study of the polyharmonic equation, including the construction of the Green's function for the classical Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in a multidimensional ball and the description of well-posed boundary value problems for the polyharmonic operator.

There are various ways of constructing the Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation. For many types of areas, it is built explicitly. And for the Neumann problem in multidimensional domains, the construction of the Green's function is an open problem.

Finding general well-posed boundary value problems for differential equations is always an urgent problem. In the early 80s of the last century, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Otelbaev and his students constructed an abstract theory that allows one to describe all correct restrictions of some maximal operator and separately all correct extensions of some minimal operator, independently of each other, in terms of the inverse operator.

In this paper, we briefly outline the theory of restriction and extension of operators and describe well-posed boundary value problems for a polyharmonic operator in a multidimensional ball.


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