Biyolojik Disiplinleri Öğretme Sürecinde Sanal Yazı Tahtalarının Kullanımı


  • Kabatayeva Zh.K. S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • Bakirova K.Sh. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

virtual whiteboard, Padlet, ZOOM, digitalization, education, distance learning, information and communication technologies, trilingualism.


The article deals with one of the urgent problems of our time – the possibility of implementing the educational process remotely. In order to present modern approaches to the organization and conduct of the educational process using information and communication technologies between the teacher and the student in the educational process, a list of available virtual whiteboards was presented, an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages was carried out. The article focuses on the ways of adaptive use of virtual whiteboards in the process of teaching biological disciplines. The authors draw attention to the possibility of using the Padlet virtual whiteboard when conducting biological disciplines based on a trilingual education system. The article provides practical recommendations for creating an online Padlet board, for using the ZOOM platform features as a whiteboard. The authors point out that the Padlet virtual whiteboard has a number of advantages and can be effectively used both during science lessons and after school hours. The authors note that virtual whiteboards should not be used as a place to demonstrate educational materials, but as a joint space that allows creating a common educational product with students attending classes remotely, increasing their participation in the educational process. Considering that the use of an interactive online whiteboard is an integral part of the modern educational process, the authors conclude that the Padlet virtual whiteboard is a technologically ideal option.


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