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  • KOSSYMOVA G.S. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
  • TELGOZHAEVA K.S. G. Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The concept of “Human-World-Time”, Turkic worldview, pragmatics, national identity, spiritual values.


The concept of “Human-World-Time” is a trinity that informs about the knowledge, existence, lifestyle, national character, civilization and culture, language, religion, and linguistic richness of the entire humanity. Recognition of this trinity through historical records and the study of language history based on the written literature of the Middle Ages contributes to the recognition of lexical, semantic, pragmatic and paradigmatic relations of the language. The article deals with the peculiarity of the Turkic worldview through the linguistic analysis of the nature of linguo-cognitive units in the concept of “Human-World-Time” in M. Kashkari's work “Divani Lugat-it-Turk”. During the research, an overview of the history of the study of Kashkari's works in Kazakh linguistics was made. The main novelty of the research is that the concepts of "Human-World-Time" in the general human knowledge are considered as a trinity for the first time. Although the concept of “Man-World” is widely considered in world linguistics, it is one of the new topics not studied in Kazakh linguistics. Therefore, taking time as a force connecting the world and man, the linguistic units representing the relationship “Human-World-Time” were described in the article. In order to recognize the nation through the frequency of use of the concepts of “Man-World-Time” in the Turkic worldview, examples are given in the form of a table, and an index of human values in the Turkic worldview is presented. The examples are taken from M. Kashkari's “Divani lugat-it-Turk” section titled proverbs and wisdom. It is clearly proven that it is possible to recognize the advanced model of the Turkic worldview and civilization only from this section.


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