An Overview of the Methods of Using Digital Technologies for the Process of Teaching Scenography in the Bachelor's Degree System



digital transformation, methods of teaching scenography, scenography of Kazakhstan, educational technologies, multimedia.


The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments in the framework of a scientific discussion on the digital transformation of the scenography of Kazakhstan. The main problem of the research work was caused by the lack of a methodology for teaching scenography in the context of the introduction of digital technologies. The main purpose of the study is to consider the international experience of the introduction of innovative educational technologies in stage design.

The content of the article reveals the methodology of the research, which is based on art, cultural, pedagogical aspects. The article examines the digital transformation of media art and scenography within the framework of scientific, review-theoretical and scenographic analysis. Educational aspects in teaching educational programs of scenography in universities, interdisciplinarity, performing and visual arts, visual means of expression, design (light, sound, media), theater, cinema, television, circus, design, architecture, etc. were taken as research tools. Since the methods of teaching digital technologies in scenography in the process of training for bachelors are project, brainstorming, case study and intelligence maps, special attention was paid to these issues during the research.

The scientific significance of the article is the conceptualization of technological, methodological aspects of digital technologies for the sustainable development of educational technologies in the preparation of bachelors.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the development of methods of digital transformation of the Scenography of Kazakhstan. The results of this study will be used as an overview and theoretical material in the development of methodic of teaching specialized disciplines in scenography.


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