
  • AKHMEDOVA* S. Institute of Manuscripts named after Mahammad Fuzuli of ANAS


ghazal, verse, literary critic, philologist, poet, theologian.


Mashadi Haji Majid oghlu Azer (1870–1951) was born in the village Buzovna, in Baku, in the family of merchant. Those periods was very difficult, and Azer was obliged to help his family. His father was a merchant, after finishing from mollakhana, he had got in trade in his father's shops, sometimes had joined to his father and did the trades trips, mainly to the East. Journey with camel caravans to the Arab countries, Hindu Muslims, Iran, Anatolia and the East, led to the formation and developing of his worldview at the young age.

But all this hadn't satisfied the young Azerbaijani, when he was fifteen, he had gone with his father to Petrovskport (now it is called Makhachkala), had got lessons on theology from the greatest theologian, besides knowledge of all theological sciences, he had owned Arabic-Persian and the archaic Turkish language. Azer, who already owned deep knowledge and rich information, along with great love for the wiseacre Fuzuli, also read the works of all the Eastern classics, regardless of nationality, as well as, in their native language. For example, he had read Arabic classics in Arabic, Persian artists in Persian, and poets, who grew up in Anatolia, on treatises written in Ottoman Turkish. He had got the rich information about Irfan poets and had read manuscripts of the Eastern classics. When he was seventeen, he had met Mirza Abdurrahim Talibzadeh, from Tabriz.Although, he was very young, Mirza liked Azer's excellent knowledge and high intelligence, and he had become friends with him from the first meeting. Later, their friendship was so strong that Mirza, who arrived in Baku, in 1906, visited Azer's mansions, both in Baku and Buzovna during the year, and had taken part in all meetings of the Madjmaush-Shuar (meeting of poets), which he had headed.


Əbülqasım Firdovsi. Şahnamə. – Bakı: Yazıçı, 1987. – 217 s.

Azər Buzovnalı. Əsərləri. AMEA Məhəmməd Füzuli adına Əlyazmalar İnstitutu / Nəşrə hazırlayanı və giriş sözün müəllifi: Könül Bağırova. – Bakı: Elm və təhsil, 2012. – 28 s.

Deyilən söz yadigardır / Toplayanı və tərtib edəni: Cəfər Rəmzi İsmayıloğlu. Redaktoru: Azər-oğlu. – Bakı: Yazıçı, 1987. – 67 s.

Məşədi Azər. Seçilmiş əsərləri / Çapa hazırlayanlar: Ədalət Tahirzadə, filologiya elmləri namizədi Rəhimağa İmaməliyev. Naşir Rəhimağa Azərsoylu (İmaməliyev). – Bakı: Boz oğuz-Nicat, 1996. – 279 s.

Məşədi Azər. Qəzəllər. – Bakı: Yazıçı, 1978. – 45 s.

Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı tarixi, 6 cilddə. VI cild.– Bakı: AMEA, Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu, 2011. – 282 s.

Azər Buzovnalı yaradıcılığında mənəvi dəyərlərimiz. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 27.04.2023)

Məşədi Azərin Tənhalığı. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 26.04.2023)

İstiqlalı tərənnüm edən Azər əfəndi. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 26.04.2023)

Bağırova K. Azər Buzovnalı yaradıcılığı: tarixçilik və müasirlik. – Bakı: AMEA, M.Füzuli adına Azərbaycan Əlyazmalar İnstitutu, 2022. – 210 s.


Abulqasym Firdovsi. Shahnama [Shahname]. – Baky: Yazychy, 1987. – 217 s. [in Azerbaijani]

Azar Buzovnaly. Asarlari [Literary works]. AMEA Mahammad Fuzuli adyna Alyazmalar Institutu / Nashra hazyrlayany va girish sozun muallifi: Konul Bagirova. – Baky: Elm va tahsil, 2012. – 28 s. [in Azerbaijani]

Deyilan soz yadigardyr [Spoken word is memory] / Toplayany va tartib edani: Cafar Ramzi Ismayiloglu. Redaktoru: Azar-oglu. – Baky: Yazychy, 1987. – 67 s. [in Azerbaijani]

Mashadi Azar. Sechilmish asarlari [Literary selected works] / Chapa hazyrlayanlar: Adalat Tahirzada, filologiia elmlari namizadi Rahimaga Imamaliiev. Nashir Rahimaga Azarsoylu (Imamaliiev). – Baky: Boz oguz-Nijat, 1996. – 279 s. [in Azerbaijani]

Mashadi Azar. Qazallar [Ghazals]. – Baky: Yazychy, 1978. – 45 s.[in Azerbaijani]

Azarbayjan adabiiaty tarihi, 6 jildda [History of Azerbaijan Literature. In 6 volumes]. VI jild.– Baky: AMEA, Adabiiat Institutu, 2011. – 282 s. [in Azerbaijani]

Azar Buzovnaly yaradycylygynda manavi dayarlarimiz [Our moral values in the activity of Azer Buzovnali]. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 27.04.2023) [in Azerbaijani]

Mashadi Azarin Tanhalygy [Loneliness of Mashadi Azer]. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 26.04.2023) [in Azerbaijani]

Istiqlaly tarannum edan Azar afandi [Azer efendy – glorifying of independence]. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 26.04.2023) [in Azerbaijani]

Bagyrova K. Azar Buzovnaly yaradyjylygy: tarihchilik va muasirlik [Creativity of Azer Buzovnaly: Historicity and Modernity]. – Baky: AMEA, M. Fuzuli adyna Azarbayjan Aliazmalar Institutu, 2022. – 210 s. [in Azerbaijani]


