Comparative Characteristics of the Main Symbols Indicated in the Explanatory Dictionaries of the Kazakh and Turkish Languages


  • K.K. Zhambulova M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


lexicography, conditional note, litter, stylistic symbol, reference, explanatory dictionary.


Conditional notes are one of the main language components that determine the nature of the word. We all know that there is no dictionary that does not use a conditional note. Obviously, the use of conditional notes (шартты белгі, условный знак) in the practice of lexicography was a great achievement of lexicography. In lexicography, the function of a conditional note is great. All dictionaries have a certain degree of semantic, stylistic, functional, etc. symbols are encountered. Common conventions include the terms symbol, label, conditional note and reference. Today we cannot represent different types of dictionaries in different languages ​​without conditional notes. For example, in the explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh and Turkish languages, conditional notes are often used. Conditional notes play an important role in revealing the meaning of headwords, in supplementing their meanings.

The study focuses on the definitions and classification of conditional notes by Kazakh, Russian and English scientists, and also considers the types of symbols, in particular, dictionary, stylistic symbols, symbols, links. The explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh and Turkish languages ​​analyzes and reveals features and similarities, giving examples of different types of symbols.


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