Pedagogical Bases of Teaching Students the Methodology of Conducting Research Work (on the Example of the Subject Zoology)


  • Bostanova А.М. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Sattarbayeva A.T. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


research skills, technology of organization of research activities, research competence, COOPERATIVE LEARNING method, biology students, fish class, amphibian class.


The training of modern teachers in higher education through the adaptation of future biologists to scientific and practical activities, self-improvement, integration of education and science, their involvement in cognitive and research activities is a modern requirement.
This article presents the results of scientific and pedagogical research, reflecting the organization of research activities of biological students and the stages of research, the role of COOPERATIVE LEARNING in the development of research skills.
In the process of researching on the topic, empirical, statistical methods, scientific and laboratory methods and the pedagogical experience of the object of study, a self-assessment map were used.
As a result of the research, the research work allowed students to develop their thinking, make them scientific research, and present new thoughts. Using the method of COOPERATIVE LEARNING, students analyzed, processed, summarized, systematized scientific information, and
solved a specific problem. Thus, students' research, personal, and cognitive abilities were developed. As a result of research, the importance of teaching and research activities of biological students during laboratory workshops was revealed. In the discipline of vertebrate zoology on the
topic «Internal structure of bony fish and amphibians, students were presented with a laboratory and developed research skills.
The results of scientific research can be used as methodological guidelines when students master research work of the vertebrate zoology.



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