Review and analysis of existing methods of scheduling classes

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  • G. Kazbekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Nurtaza Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


UCTP, table creation methods, meta-heuristics, hyperheuristics, combinatorial optimization.


One of the most important steps in organizing the quality of the educational process in educational institutions and the effectiveness of the use of scientific and pedagogical potential is the task of forming a high-quality lesson schedule. A qualitatively designed lesson schedule should ensure the uniform loading of student groups and teaching staff.

The problem of university course planning (UCTP) is a specific problem of course planning at a university, with simultaneous use of resources such as students, faculty, and classrooms. These problems are considered non-polynomial time (NP) and Combinatorial Optimization (COP) problems, which means that they can be solved by optimization algorithms to obtain the desired table. Several methods have been used in universities to solve table problems, and most of them use optimization methods.

This article discusses six methods for solving problems with the schedule of classes in universities: Sequential methods, сluster methods, сonstraint-based methods, meta-heuristic methods, generalized search, hybrid evolutionary algorithms, multi-criteria approaches, case-based reasoning techniques, hyper-heuristics, adaptive approaches. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive review of optimization approaches to solving the problems of scheduling in universities. In addition, when solving such problems, the accepted algorithms for Meta-heuristic optimization are shown. In addition, methods have been developed to analyze and measure the performance of a solution by specifying frequently used control data sets.



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