Task-Oriented Method of Preparing Informatics Teachers for the Use of Artificial Intelligence
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preparation of informatics teachers, open-ended task, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Copilot.Abstract
The article addresses the issue of preparing teacher-informaticians for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational process.
Based on a brief overview and analysis of the experience of using AI in the pedagogical process, as well as scientific forums EUSPN 2023 and ICTH 2023, the authors note the potentials and problems of AI in education, highlighting the contradiction between the necessity of using AI technologies in preparing future computer science teachers and the lack of development of an optimal and specific model for applying AI technologies in teacher preparation. This contradiction indicates that the issue of preparing computer science teachers for the use of AI is becoming increasingly relevant.
The methodology for implementing the work is based on the idea that “objective laws of the educational process and the competent use of AI technologies play a fundamental role in the preparation of computer science teachers”.
The article defines the problem, goal, object, subject, and tasks of the study. The conditions for using AI technologies in the university educational process are identified:
- selecting open-ended problem solving as tasks to be addressed by the teacher-informatician in the educational process;
- using ChatGPT and Copilot for solving open-ended problems as a means of preparing teacher-informaticians to use AI technology in the educational process.
In conclusion, it is stated that the use of AI technology ChatGPT and Copilot for solving open-ended problems in the preparation of teacher-informaticians ensures that teachers possess knowledge of the objective laws of the creative process and form the intellectual multi-subject of their professional activities, thereby increasing the effectiveness of preparation.
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