Developing Students’ Creativity through Teaching Folklore Genres
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folklore, folk literature, educational paradigms, meta-paradigms, education, creative abilities, functional literacy.Abstract
The authors of the article addresses the issues of productive organization of the educational process and training aimed at the development of student's creative abilities through teaching folklore genres. Current issues are investigated and fresh ideas are proposed concerning the potential of information perception, creative abilities, and quality educational research in terms of time requirements. The folklore genre, while highlighting the characteristics of contemporary generations, is a vast information channel that supports systematic learning and deepens students' understanding.
Thus, while emphasizing that metacognition is a source, the paper also shows that it can serve as the basis for creative inquiry and enhancement of students' functional literacy. Considering the age-specific characteristics of students in grades 5-8, developmental teaching methods and educational paradigms are reviewed alongside practice outcomes. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of teaching folklore genres are explored, and, in addition to the assimilation of knowledge, attention is given to the deep cognition of the educational value and significance of the literary heritage of the people. The role of the values embedded in folklore genres in developing students' creativity and personal qualities is highlighted.
The authors reflects on the importance of pedagogical skills and quality instruction in teaching folklore works, which are a valuable source of national culture. In the era of globalization, this contributes to students not only gaining a deep understanding of their national culture but also promoting it and recognizing it alongside the best examples of world culture. In this aspect, the main goal is to teach folklore genres, instilling their values across generations, and sharing insights into productive experiences achieved in this direction. This aligns with the demands of the time. The article, based on a new approach to teaching folklore genres and its findings, can serve as a foundation for guiding research on the study of folklore and literature for future subject specialists.
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