The «Mangilik El» Idea in Bukhar Zhyrau’s Works
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poetry, tolgau, Mangilik el, zhyrau, idea, literary heritage, world view.Abstract
The article examines the idea of «Mangilik el» in the poetry of Bukhar-zhyrau.
Bukhar-zhyrau is an outstanding Kazakh singer-storyteller, statesman, who deeply expressed sociopolitical and spiritual problems through artistic words, promoting national unity and independence.
The main theme of his works is the unity of the Kazakh people, independence and preservation of
statehood. The idea of «Mangilik el» in the poetry of zhyrau is a complex issue with deep historical
and spiritual significance. The study provides a comparative analysis of the historical roots of the
idea of «Mangilik el» and its traditional continuation in the poetry of zhyrau. This idea was first
reflected in the ancient Turkic «Orkhon-Yenisei» written monuments. The idea of «Mangilik el»
has been preserved and updated throughout the centuries since ancient times. The main purpose of
the article was to examine the manifestation of the idea of «Mangilik el» in Kazakh poetry,
including the work of Bukhar zhyrau.
The main feature of zhyrau poetry was to intelligently convey the significant events that left a
mark in history to future generations, to humanity in general, in an artistic language, and leave them
as a literary heritage. Poems, which have their own place in the literature of Kazakh khanate period,
have a social meaning, and they sing about important issues at the national level. The poets of the
XV-XVІІІ centuries wrote deep poems about the nation, heroism, and the times in their poems,
promoting the idea of becoming an eternal nation. Issues such as protection of the land inherited
from ancestors, preservation of national unity were the main themes of zhyrau poetry. The poets
made philosophical and didactic concepts in their works in a humanistic way deeply worried about
life and thinking about people’s future.
Spiritual development of our people depends directly on literature. If we say that literature is
our precious value, zhyrau poetry is one of our priceless treasures. Bukhar Zhyrau, who has his own
place in zhyrau poetry, is one of the people who thought about the future of his country, like
Kultegin and Tonykok. The «Mangilik el» idea which continues from ancient Turkic literature is
becoming the main core of national idea of Kazakh nation today. Therefore, the «Mangilik el» idea
in literary works is considered as one of the themes that will never lose its relevance.
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