National Cultural Foundations of Proverbs and Sayings in Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly’s Work
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ethnolinguistics, psychology, national cognition, collective consciousness, character, customs and traditions, ethics.Abstract
. The task of thoroughly identifying and revealing the essence of the sources that
disclose the identity of the people, uphold the national spirit, and illustrate spiritual values is urgent
in today's anthropocentric language development. Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly, the great poet, thinker,
and composer who left behind a rich legacy, still requires a thorough examination from the
perspective of linguistic knowledge, with revisions in the areas of cognitive linguistics,
linguoculture, and axiological linguistics. The majority of research papers are prepared in the
literary studies subject. This demonstrates the importance of the issue of analyzing the creative
language used in Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly's works. Phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, riddles,
samples of oral literature that come to the linguistic world come from the long-term practice of the
ethnos and store valuable data about the ethnos. And they, in addition to personal use, are often
found in the artistic language of poets and writers, in addition to their structural activities, have
lexical and semantic meaning. In this article, the proverbs and sayings found in the works of
Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly are analyzed in this context on the basis of three units: national character,
national feeling, national customs and traditions that make up the harmony of the national soul and
state. Here, a lexical and semantic analysis is carried out based on the historical and comparative
method, the national foundations and manifestations of national knowledge of proverbs and sayings
used in the works of Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly are studied.
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