The National Image in the Works of Akseleu Seydimbek
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national identity, character, ethnopoetics, prose, literary image, ethnography, narrative tradition.Abstract
This article examines the prose works of Akseleu Seydimbek. In his works, he talks
about his adventures in nature, which he saw with his own eyes, pays special attention to legends
and stories about the country and the history of the land, spread by word of mouth among the
people, and in his works gives a lot of information about the way of life, traditions and customs of
the Kazakh people. Thanks to his artistic works, we can learn in detail about the identity of the
Kazakh nation.
This article will analyze national identity, the originality of the characters in Akseleu
Seydimbek’s works, as well as the writer’s skill in creating a national image. Analyzing the
reflection of the Kazakh art of training birds of prey, hunting, falconry and narrative tradition in
fiction, the specific features of the use of words characteristic of the Kazakh nation, found in the
works of the writer, are considered. The author tries to show the inner world, existence, delving into
the psychology of the common man depicted in the stories. The article covers such issues as
national worldview, mentality, character, through which conclusions are drawn about the features of
literary images in the writer’s prose. Attention is drawn to the ethnopoetic nature of the work,
reflecting its national identity. When studying this topic, we were guided by the methods of interpretation, generalization,
comparison, and hermeneutic analysis. The opinions of S. Kirabaev, S. Aksunkaruly, S. Kalibekova
about the artistic prose of Akseleu Seydimbek are given.
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