Semantic Aspect of Color in Korean, Kazakh and English Languages
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: color terms, semantics, color symbolism, linguistic culture, color linguistics.Abstract
This article is a study of the semantics of color in three different language cultures:
Korean, Kazakh and English. Color symbols play a significant role in mutual understanding
between cultures. The system of color designations contains an ethnocultural context. It acts in two
aspects, simultaneously being a reflection of culture and an element that forms it. The semantics of
color is a classification of color. The article provides a comparative analysis of the semantics of
color in three languages. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main semantic connotations associated with certain
colors in each of these languages, as well as to identify cultural features in the perception and use of
color concepts.
The study of this aspect of language in the context of comparative linguistics is relevant in the
context of expanding the possibilities of intercultural communication and the growing interest of
modern linguistic science in the cognitive and pragmatic aspects of language functioning. To this
end, the researchers reviewed the literature on the topic and analyzed data from explanatory
dictionaries and phraseological (idiomatic) funds of the language. The study's findings could help
linguists, anthropologists and intercultural communication specialists had better understand cultural
differences in color perception and its role in language and culture
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