Transformation as Understanding the Cause-and-Effect Relationships of Research Activity and Applying Them in Accordance with Set Goals and Objectives

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  • N.A. Abishev Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov
  • R.S. Zheldibayeva Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


transformation, thinking, causal relationships, research, educational-cognitive process, method, comparative analysis.


In the context of global transformational processes occurring in the world educational space, the interdependence between societal development and education is becoming increasingly evident. The aim of this research was to analyze the profound changes in the subject of academic and research activities and their impact on pedagogical culture. The study examined factors contributing to the transformation of the subject, including societal demands, the development level of the educational system, pedagogical theory and technology, as well as individual characteristics. Special attention was given to mentoring practice as a condition for effectively forming the generativity of subjects, which contributes to their motivation and retention in the profession. The research was based on an analysis of international experiences in modernization and reform of educational practice, identifying stress conditions caused by rapid changes and contradictions between current educational demands and understanding the dynamics of the future. The research hypothesis arised from the contradiction between existing education theories and the scientific concept of “personal transformation”. The modernization of education and the shift in focus from meeting needs to human development have led to the formation of a new approach to self-expression and the realization of personal potential.

The research employed a pedagogical experiment with the aim of determining and comparatively analyzing the impact of specific factors and conditions on the process of understanding causal relationships in professional and research activities and applying them according to established goals and objectives. The experiment involved 52 master's and doctoral students. The research method used was a frontal written survey, aimed at obtaining data on the respondents' readiness for pedagogical and research activities, as well as their ability to overcome difficulties and apply cause-and-effect relationships in their professional work.The experiment allowed for the measurement of parameters and outcomes related to the individual's awareness of their abilities and potential. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the necessity of adapting educational standards to contemporary realities and gaining a deeper understanding of causal relationships in the process of transformation.


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