Media Products and Language Environment for Children
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TV channel, language environment, children's programs, TV product, age specificity, cartoon, media product.Abstract
The research article will be devoted to the study of the linguistic use of media
products for children. We are talking about media products that contribute to the development of a
child as a person, in particular, contributing to the formation of a language environment. The article
aims to find an answer to the urgent question of how today's media products can contribute to a
safe, carefree life of a child in the environment, high-quality education and development, a healthy
body, and the formation of a language environment. Educational cartoons and videos, GIFs that
make up children's content were taken as the object of the study. Media production contributed to
the development of the child as a person, the rapid and clear output of language, was described by
methods of description and comparison. The task of differentiating the effectiveness and use of
media products for children is set.
To date, based on the work of special research institutes for the control of children's content,
an increase in a number of such Kazakh-language studies will certainly contribute to
methodological use.
The methodological basis of the article is the works of domestic and foreign scientists
related to the assessment of the formation and development of children's content. A sociological
survey conducted during the study reveals the benefits of media products for children. The
conclusions drawn on the basis of the article may have both theoretical and practical significance in
improving the quality of products for children. Therefore, high-quality content for children will
undoubtedly contribute to the personal development of the child, the assimilation of national values,
and the achievement of other positive results in a healthy lifestyle.
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