Phraseological fragment of the image of the Kazakh , Turkish and English world: national and cultural feature of the concept of “Man”


  • Gulmira ABDIMAULEN L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Ibrahim SHAHIN Ege University


concept ―Man‖, phraseological phrases, рroverbs, gender criterion, linguoculturology


The spiritual core of the article is the study of the concept of ―Man‖ in conjunction with gender issues, which is one of the branches of the conceptual field of the Kazakh, Turkish and English languages. The paremiologically fund of stable expressions and proverbs of the Kazakh, Turkish and English people, which is part of the teaching of linguacultural, characterizes the value of the linguistic means of studying the concept of ―Man‖. They serve as a linguistic tool of interest in identifying the linguistic picture of the world, its valuable content, and cultural stereotypes. They describe the world in linguistic and cultural terms. The main purpose of the article is to study the concept of ―Man‖ through the phraseology and proverbs of the Kazakh, Turkish and English languages, to determine the national and cultural features of the linguistic image of the world. The examples used to make it possible to reconstruct the concept ―Man‖ and to determine the parameters of categorization of concepts in the composition of word combinations expressed in the Kazakh, Turkish and English languages. Popular phraseological phrases and proverbs reveal the image of the national life and knowledge of the Kazakh, Turkish and English people. Their types of multidirectional are analyzed in order to reveal the linguistic picture of the concept ―Man‖. Nomination samples for men are conducted through them. The essence of the selection criterion reveals the linguistic image of the concept ―Man‖.

Author Biographies

Gulmira ABDIMAULEN, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD student

Ibrahim SHAHIN, Ege University

Doç. Dr.


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How to Cite

ABDIMAULEN Г. ., & SHAHIN И. . (2021). Phraseological fragment of the image of the Kazakh , Turkish and English world: national and cultural feature of the concept of “Man”. Turkology, 108(4), 41–61. Retrieved from


