The Concept of Voice in Turkey Turkish


  • Eyup SERTAÇ AYAZ Kafkas University


linguistics, voice, category of voice


As one of the sources of the richness of expression in Turkish, the term ―voice‖ refers to the formation of the action according to the subject and the object. Voice is a grammatical category that regulates the relationship between the action and the participants in the event described in the action. Basically, certain suffixes shape the relevance of the action to the participants in the event. Knowing these subtleties of the language will enable the nation to show a presence in the field of science and culture by enabling it to be used more effectively and increasing the quality of communication. Due to a lack of consensus in the teaching of this structure that brings a subtlety of expression to Turkish, the level of learning could not go beyond the transfer of knowledge. To contribute to the understanding of the concept of voice at the level of skill acquisition, this study will attempt to reach general principles (albeit difficult) on a subject where there are many differences of opinion, conducting a simultaneous analysis, without mentioning historical changes and developments. It will seek answers to the questions that reveal the necessity of clarifying the boundaries of the subject, such as: ―Are voice suffixes constructive or inflectional suffixes? Is voice a term that depends on the suffix? Should the starting point be the suffixes or the meaning in the approach to voice? Should the verb voice be determined by the suffix? How many topics should the concept of voice be discussed under?

Author Biography

Eyup SERTAÇ AYAZ, Kafkas University

Asst. Prof., Department of Turkish Language and Literature


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How to Cite

SERTAÇ AYAZ, E. . (2021). The Concept of Voice in Turkey Turkish. Turkology, 108(4), 25–40. Retrieved from


