

taboo, tradition, magic, naming, prohibition, upbringing, belief


In the article, the formation of the term "taboo", and various features of taboo in Turkish peoples will be explained in terms of mythical, traditional, religious beliefs and customs. Based on the views of foreign scholars J.Fraser, A.A.Reformatsky, P. Giro,        A.I. Ivanov, S.P.Nesterov, G.P.Snesarev, who studied the concept of taboo in detail, their different scientific approaches to taboo will be examined. In addition, the direct relationship between the concept of taboo, which is settled in Turkish peoples, and belief and prohibition will be explained. In addition, based on the established taboo forms in Turkish peoples and the research of scientists in this field on taboo and prohibition, the similarities and differences of the established taboo related to the traditions and religious beliefs of the Turkish peoples will be discussed comparatively. In this sense, the words taboo and prohibition are related concepts. The ban is an example of public upbringing, a role model and counseling, and one of the educational tools. Taboo, on the other hand, is a set of rules based on customs and religious beliefs. Therefore, the concepts of taboo and prohibition are the legacy of centuries passed from generation to generation, a role model passed from father to son. As a result of the research, we have grouped the prohibition and taboo types found in Kazakh and Turkish peoples and preserved until today, and the characteristics of taboo words associated with the animal, plant, and human names, and prohibition words.

Author Biography

Bagdat YERTAEVA, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University



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How to Cite

YERTAEVA Б. (2022). TABOO WORDS AND PROHIBITIONS IN TURKIC PEOPLES. Turkology, 111(3), 30–47. Retrieved from


