

Abai, Akhmet Baitursynov, continuity, I.A. Krylov, fables, poem, morality, purpose, consonance.


The article deals with the problem of continuity in the works of Abai and Akhmet Baitursynov. They were united by the depth of thought and knowledge, the idea of ​​caring for their people and the moral improvement of their contemporaries. Akhmet Baitursynov is the first Abai scholar whose article with deep meaning about Abai was published in 1913. Akhmet Baitursynov was the first to recognize Abai as the main, the first Kazakh poet. According to him, Abai is a poet who raised the dignity of Kazakh verse, giving him an honorable place in the world of poetry. Abai's poems contained depth of thought, criticality, and knowledge. Abai is a poet-innovator who perfected the form of Kazakh verse. And as Akhmet Baitursynov wrote, Abai is a poet-thinker who has learned the essence of everything he wrote about. Akhmet Baitursynov, who so deeply knew and highly appreciated Abai, himself rose to the level of Abai the mentor, Abai the thinker, like Abai of his time, and he himself became a moral teacher of his nation, an extraordinary personality of the Kazaks. This is one of the moments of the relationship between Akhmet Baitursynov and Abai.

The relationship between Akhmet Baitursynov and Abai is reflected in the content of their works, the unity and commonality of thoughts and ideas. First of all, both poets sharply exposed and criticized negative, unhealthy human qualities in their poems. They wrote and promoted the noble, virtuous qualities of a person. The goal of both poets is to awaken and enlighten the consciousness of the people, writing morality in their poems and fables. Space and time, the existing socio-political system and the prevailing environment combined the creative searches of the two poets. The poems "Segiz ayak", "Zhigan-tergen" are the pinnacle of the unity of spirituality and purpose, the artistic denouement of the two poets. The article gives such judgments about the continuity of the two poets. 

Author Biography

Gulzhan ALIPKHAN, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Master-teacher, General academic English language departament


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How to Cite

ALIPKHAN Г. . (2022). SUCCESSION OF ABAI AND AKHMET BAITURSYNOV. Turkology, 110(2), 31–48. Retrieved from


