

M.Auezov, Abai, philosophy of morality, M.Myrzakhmetuly, perfect man, basis of morality, essence of morality.


A comprehensive and broad study of Abay's work begins with the research of M. Auezov. The essence of the poet's thoughts about man, about life and time is morality. If M. Auezov identified this problem, then M. Myrzakhmetuly found the system and essence of moral knowledge in the poet's work. The advantage and property of human nature lies in its reason and the meaning of human life is knowledge. And the role of the categories of essence and phenomena in the process of cognition is enormous. The category and knowledge of the perfect man of Abai, introduced into scientific circulation by M. Myrzakhmetuly, is the phenomenon of moral teaching in the work of Abai. If the owner of “Hot energy (ystyk kayrat), radiant mind (nұrly ақyl), hot heart (zhyly zhurek)” is a perfect person, then the moral world of this perfect person is revealed by the teachings of zhauanmartlik (the basis of morality) and imani gul (the essence of morality), certain by M. Myrzakhmetuly. The nature of a person is formed by the body (strength), soul (heart), mind, and his unique, sacred morality is formed by qualities emanating from the mind and heart. That is, true morality is achieved through zhauanmartlik, which includes the qualities of intelligence, justice and mercy. And the highest peak of this moral quality is imani gul - three loves. And the three loves in the works of Abai are love for God, for man and justice. The doctrine of the perfect man is an external phenomenon of the moral teaching sung by Abay, and love (three loves) is its inner essence and core.        The article describes the system and deep content of the moral teachings of Abay, which were studied and identified by M. Myrzakhmetuly.

Author Biography

Maksat ALIPKHAN, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

ALIPKHAN М. (2022). ABAI’S DOCTRINE ABOUT THE PERFECT MAN IS A HUGE CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCIENCE OF ABAI STUDIES BY M.MYRZAKHMETULY. Turkology, 110(2), 9–30. Retrieved from https://journals.ayu.edu.kz/index.php/turkology/article/view/1126


