


hydrogen fuel, fuel and energy complex, resource methods, hydrogen fuel costs, energy strategy, cost modeling


Abstract. The article discusses the most promising technologies for the production and transportation of hydrogen. During the scientific research, the cost of hydrogen was estimated from the point of view of its centralized production by various methods and delivery to the consumer in gas or liquefied form.
Methods of economic modeling, technological modeling, economic mathematical methods were used in the research work. On the basis of specially developed economic and technological models, estimates are made using resource methods that predict the estimated cost of hydrogen in centralized production and transport systems. Calculations were carried out on the basis of economic and technological models of various methods of obtaining and transporting hydrogen.
As a result of scientific research, recommendations for the evaluation of experimental parameters, a comprehensive methodology for modeling and evaluating the operation of hydrogen systems have been developed. In the model of functioning of hydrogen systems, the parameters of usability, adaptability, prevailing accuracy and reliability of dynamics were obtained, which made it possible to estimate the costs of hydrogen fuel before and after installation in systems in conditions of centralized production based on the parameters. The estimates showed deviations of the initial parameters from various values, uncertainty of technological and market conditions. As a result of the analysis, the most promising technologies of centralized hydrogen production have been identified, and a forecast of their entry into the world energy market over the next 15-20 years has been made.\
The results of the study can be used for specialists in the field of nuclear physics and energy, energy conservation, modeling of hydrogen fuel losses.


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