Improving students’ thinking abilities by solving logical problems


  • L. Abdullaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • М. Koshanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


logic, thinking, logical thinking, mathematical thinking, non-standard tasks, questionnaire, analysis, control, experiment.


In the article, the authors consider the topical issue of improving students’ thinking skills in the school curriculum. This issue has not been sufficiently studied in our country and requires additional research in this area. The article sets a lot of tasks to improve students’ thinking skills. A pedagogical analysis of textbooks on the development of students’ logical thinking skills has been developed and advantages have been identified. In the course of the study, literature analysis, pedagogical analysis of non-standard tasks, questionnaires, control, pedagogical experiment were carried out. As a result of the research, tasks aimed at improving students’ thinking skills were developed. In the course of the study, the survey showed that the majority of students have poor mathematical thinking in the process of completing tasks. It is concluded that in order to improve the logical thinking of students, it is necessary to introduce additional mathematical material in the form of non-standard tasks, which will increase the efficiency of reading and attract all students to the educational process. The authors give practical suggestions to teachers on the development of logical and intuitive thinking of students in the classroom. This article and the results of the study will be of interest to teachers of secondary schools, young scientists, and those who want to improve their IQ in the future.



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