Analysis of multiple access methods of modern Wi-Fi networks


  • Zh. Ismagulova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Е. Seidulla Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


IEEE 802; multiple access; TDMA; FDMA; OFDMA; SDMA; NOMA; base station.


Every year the number of devices connected to a wireless Wi-Fi network increases.This leads to their densification, an increase in barriers between neighboring access points, as well as to the unification of devices belonging to different generations of Wi-Fi technologies in one network. To date, for modern Wi-Fi networks, the issue of increasing bandwidth and ensuring an even distribution of resources between devices in the network is becoming relevant. The article describes ways to increase network bandwidth by increasing the bandwidth and number of antennas, which are one of the solutions to these problems.

It is also considered that, in addition to the improvements presented above, an increase in Wi-Fi bandwidth can be achieved through the use of new multiple access methods for Wi-Fi technologies. One of such methods is multiple non-Orthogonal Access (English: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA). With NOMA, one access point can transmit data to several stations simultaneously using one antenna on the same frequency and is carried out by distributing transmission power between streams for different stations. In addition, analyses and comparisons of methods used in wireless networks were carried out: multiple access with time division, multiple access with frequency division, multiple access with orthogonal frequency division, multiple access with spatial distribution.



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