Influence of electrolytic plasma treatment on the physical and mechanical properties of steels


  • А. Zhumaliyeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Sh Kurbanbekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • I. Usembaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Electrolyte-plasma treatment, cementation, nitriding, boration, wear resistance, microhardness.


This article presents an overview of research data on new electrochemical processing processes, classified under the general name of the process of electrolytic-plasma surface heat treatment from various research papers. The review is made to expand the research work on this new process of industrial vision and coverage. Particular attention is paid to the prospects of its use for modifying and coating surfaces. Various types of electrolytic plasma treatment have been discussed to illustrate the possibilities of the process for improving the surface properties of various metals. Compared to existing heat treatment processes, the treatment takes less time, is economical, environmentally friendly and dynamic. Its dynamic capabilities include carburizing, nitriding, plating, cleaning, polishing, etc. to harden in one pilot plant by making small changes to enable operations. The processing modes and composition of electrolytes, structural features of the processed layers, their microhardness and surface roughness, tribological and anticorrosion, i.e. physical and mechanical properties in various environments. In general, processing modes have been determined that allow a significant increase in the antiwear and corrosion resistance of steels. A conclusion is made about the prospects of electrolytic-plasma treatment, the advantages and limitations of this method are noted, including the proposed directions for further research.



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