Publication ethics

Members of the editorial board, authors, reviewers, editorial staff of the journal “Yasawi universitetinin khabarshysy” in their professional activities are guided by the principles and norms of the “Code of Corporate Culture of Teachers and employees of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi”.

All participants in the publication process are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of this editorial policy. Compliance with ethical principles is important, both for ensuring and maintaining the quality of a scientific journal, and for a trusting and respectful relationship between the participants in the publication process.

Falsification and fabrication of the results of the author's research when publishing the results of scientific research, actions to transfer the manuscripts of articles to other publications without the permission of the authors are unethical and are considered a distortion of the ethics of publication.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board members

Members of the editorial board of the journal “Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy” carry out activities to improve the quality of scientific articles, improve, develop, and enter the journal into an international database.

Duties and rights of editors

Editors are required to make a specific decision on the possibility (or impossibility) of publishing a scientific article only within the framework of the law concerning ethical standards and copyright. At the same time, they have the right to be guided by the journal's policy.

Editors are required to pay special attention to the plagiarism of the text, the information contained in it. If the article was published earlier or its plagiarism was discovered, the editorial board has the right not to publish the material. Editors have the right to independently evaluate the scientific content of manuscripts, taking into account the current legislation, regardless of information about political and religious views, personal data of the author.

Reviewer's responsibilities and rights

The reviewer conducts a scientific examination of the author's materials in compliance with the rules of ethics. If the reviewer is not qualified enough to evaluate the manuscript and / or the organization or terms of the review are delayed, he / she is obliged to inform the editorial board about this and refuse to review the specified manuscript. The manuscript received for review should be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred to a third party who is not authorized by the editorial board for review or discussion. The reviewer does not have the right to sign a review written by someone else.

The reviewer must know that the manuscript addressed to them is the intellectual property of the authors and is not subject to publication.

The reviewer is obliged to draw the attention of the editorial board of the journal to the significant or partial similarity of the evaluated manuscript with any other work, as well as to the absence, as a rule, of references, proofs and conclusions from other previously published works of these or other authors.

The reviewer must indicate similar published works that are not cited as citations in this article.

The reviewer should evaluate the stated research result and be fair and principled, based on a clear recommendation.

The reviewer does not have the right to express a critical opinion about the author's personality, her scientific level, scientific worldview, level of special training, etc. The reviewer does not have the right to use information about the content of the work in their own interests before publication.

Principles and objectives of the author's publication ethics

One-time publication. The Author(s) is responsible for the failure to submit the manuscript of the article sent to the editorial office for consideration by other publications. Submission of the manuscript simultaneously in several journals/publications is not allowed and is a gross violation of the principles, standards and norms of publication ethics.

Authorship of the manuscript. The first author is the author who has made the greatest intellectual and practical contribution to an article co-authored by two or more authors.

A corresponding author is an author who is responsible for the scientific work and guarantees the reliability of the data and the absence of ethical violations in the experimental work. The name and contact information of the respondent is indicated in the affiliation. His duties include submitting an article to the journal and communicating with the editorial board of the scientific journal. Additional co-authors, other than the first author and the corresponding author, are recorded sequentially, depending on their contribution to this material. All authors specified in the published manuscript/article are responsible for the content of the work.

The principle of originality. The authors of the article are obliged to pay attention first of all to the reliability and clarity of the results of scientific research. It starts with understanding the huge responsibility of publishing novelty. The authors must ensure that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. The passages and opinions used in it should be presented in the form of a mandatory reference of the author and the original source. Plagiarism in any form – excessive use of the text, as well as distortion of unformulated sources or appropriation of the results of someone else's research, is tactless and is not accepted. Information provided without reference is considered plagiarism by the editorial board. The authors are obliged to use only factual data and information in the manuscript; to provide information sufficient for the repetition and verification of experiments by other researchers; not to use information issued without permission in the form of an open letter and received in private; do not allow distortion and falsification of information. Do not allow the re-publication of the material (the author must indicate in the letter sent to them that the work is published for the first time). If certain parts of the manuscript were published earlier, the author must refer to the previously written work and indicate the features of the new work with the previously written one. At the same time, authors should not submit manuscripts addressed to another publication and under consideration, or articles published in another journal.

In case of criticism of the work or comments involving a third party, the authors must comply with ethical standards.