The Influence of Interactive Learning Tasks on the Motivation of Students in the Study of Chemistry



chemistry, interactive learning tasks, motivation, competence, educational process.


In the work were examined the possibilities of using interactive learning tasks (ILT) in the educational process when teaching chemistry: in lessons, in individual group work, when school students do homework and when preparing for exams. During the pedagogical experiment, the hypothesis was confirmed that the use of ILT for teaching chemistry helps to increase school students' interest in studying chemistry, activates their mental activity, facilitates the assimilation of the studied material and its memorization. Various forms of interactive learning tasks for teaching chemistry have been tested in the educational process. The comparison of the effectiveness of open and closed interactive learning tasks showed that the use of open ILT in the educational process contributes to improving the quality and strength of students' knowledge to a greater extent than the use of closed ILT. To find out the motivation of educational activity, the T.D. Dubovitskaya's method of diagnosing orientation of motivation was used.

Experimentally confirmed the creative realization of knowledge, skills and abilities as a result of deepening the computer knowledge of school students, improving the quality of knowledge and interest through interactive learning tasks in chemistry. The use of interactive tests was aimed at the formation of educational and cognitive, value-semantic, informational and communicative competencies. The results of the survey of students confirm the expediency of using interactive tests with the formation of students' competencies. It is shown that 95% of school students like to work on interactive learning tasks, and the vast majority of students show interest in studying chemistry.


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