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  • А.Б. Божбанбай
  • Б.Ж. Сейтов


The article defines the conditions for obtaining the necessary composition of TiN films used as a diffusion barrier in solar cells. The conditions for obtaining the required thickness of the titanium nitride film are also determined. It was found by X-ray diffraction that the resulting titanium nitride film has a polycrystalline structure. As a result of a number of experiments, the conditions for obtaining a titanium nitride film with the required thickness of 75 nm and density (composition Ti0.57N0.43) were determined: magnetron power-690 W, pressure of the Ar-N2 mixture-0.54 Pa, nitrogen gas consumption 0.9 l/h, argon gas consumption 0.5 l/h, plate temperature 111 °C, deposition duration - 320 s.


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