Rules for publication
The requirements for scientific articles accepted in the scientific journal News of the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University are as follows:
UDK - Universal Decimal Classifier Index,
MRNTİ - State Scientific and Technical Information Rubricator code
- The full name of the authors, academic degree, place of work are indicated. The full name of the author in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) and the e-mail of each author. If the article is in Turkish, then in 4 languages (Times New Roman, keg 10).
- The title of the manuscript should be written in CAPITAL letters, bold, and centered after a single line break. It must be concise and accurately reflect the manuscript's content, with no abbreviations included. The title should be provided in three languages—English, Kazakh, and Russian. If the article is in Turkish, the title should appear in four languages: English, Kazakh, Russian, and Turkish (Times New Roman, keg 10).
- The abstract must be provided in three languages—Kazakh, Russian, and English, 150-200 words. If the article is in Turkish, the abstract should be presented in four languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish. The abstract should not include any formulas or bibliographic references (Times New Roman, keg 10).
- Keywords should be provided in three languages—Kazakh, Russian, and English— not more than 7-8 words (Times New Roman, keg 10). If the article is in Turkish, keywords should be included in four languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish. The keywords must reflect the main content of the article, using terms found within the text as well as other important concepts that define the subject area. This approach enhances the article's visibility and accessibility in information search systems, facilitating its discovery.
- Manuscript Sections. After a one-line space, the main text of the manuscript should begin in Times New Roman, font size 12, and must include the following sections: 1.Introduction; 2.Research Materials and Methods; 3.Results and Discussion; 4.Conclusion; 5.References; 6.Information about the Authors;
Each section heading should be bold and italicized, begin on a new line with a paragraph indent, and be clearly labeled.
- After one line it is necessary to indicate the list of references, arranged in accordance with the international bibliographic standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style At least 10 references should be used in the article, and they should contain literature for the last 5 years (transliteration through the site), including foreign sources - at least 5 (Times New Roman, keg 10).
- The optimal volume of a scientific article should be 6-10 pages. Format - Microsoft Word *.doc, *.docx; text alignment - width; line spacing - single line; paragraph indent - 1 cm. Do not indent with spaces or tabs; margins: top - 2; bottom - 2; right - 1.5; left - 3.
- The title of the article should be concise and accurately reflect its content. The entire article must pass the Antiplagiat program, with an initial originality score of at least 75% before submission.
- Figures (illustrations) should be embedded within the article text, with placement left to the author's discretion. All graphic objects must be labeled as figures and should be of high quality, suitable for printing, and informative in both color and black-and-white formats. Each figure caption should include the figure number and title, centered below the figure in Times New Roman, font size 12 and formatted as follows: "Figure 1. Title of the figure" (no period at the end).
- Tables should be created in Microsoft Word's table format, making them editable, not as scanned images or pictures. Each table title must include the table number and title, centered in Times New Roman, font size 12 and formatted as follows: "Table 1. Table Title" (without a period at the end). An empty line should separate the table title from the table itself.
- Simple formulas, containing only numbers, Latin letters, and standard mathematical symbols, should be included directly in the text. More complex formulas should be created using Microsoft Equation or MathType and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in parentheses, aligned to the right. If there is only one formula, it does not need a number. Formatted formulas should be separated from surrounding text by one line. Explanations for formula elements should follow the formula, starting with the word "where:" (Times New Roman, font size 12), without a paragraph indent. Each element should then be explained on a new line.
- Information on authors. Information about the authors should be presented in tabular form and contain the following information: Full name, academic degree, place of work or study, city, country, e-mail, cell phone number of the author for correspondence in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (Times New Roman, keg 10).
Articles from all organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkey, and other foreign countries are accepted for publication in the journal. Journal website: . Journal email: .
Authors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their articles within two months. Scientific articles are sent for production following a double-blind peer review by university scholars and experts from other domestic or international universities, along with a decision by the editorial board. The editorial office does not assume responsibility for the content of the articles published in the journal.
Articles are edited by the editorial team and are not returned to the authors.