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  • Айбол Кайыргали Казахстанко-Британский технический университет


CFD, Модели турбулентности, Кузов Ахмеда, грузовик, аэродинамика автомобиля


In this paper, numerical simulation was performed of the aerodynamic flow around the body at various movements. In the course of our research, the effects were studied of the distance between the tractor and trailer on the coefficient of drag and lift.  The general traditional truck model has been studied numerically on a scale of 1:8. The speed of the truck was considered as 40km/h and 80km/h. In conclusion, a qualitative assessment was given of how reducing the gap between the tractor and trailer affects the reduction of the drag coefficient. In this article, as a test problem, we study the flow over a reference model called the Ahmed body with an angle of inclination of 25 degrees.  All the results obtained were first compared on test problems, the results of which are in excellent agreement with the numerical and experimental values of other authors. This research could help designers in the automotive industry in applying these cost-effective tools to improve their design productivity.


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