Mathematical concepts as the basis for solving physical problems
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mathematics, physics, physical problems, mathematical concepts, problem solving methodsAbstract
. Mathematical concepts play a fundamental role in physics. They are used to express physical laws and relationships, build models of physical systems, and solve physical problems.
In the article, we noted that the application of mathematics in physics has a number of features that distinguish it from the application of mathematics in other fields of science. In particular, physicists use mathematics to express physical meaning rather than to study mathematical structures abstractly. This leads to a number of differences in the use of symbols and semantics by physicists and mathematicians.
In physics, symbols are often used to represent physical quantities, not just abstract numbers. For example, the symbol E can be used to represent energy, M for mass, and c for the speed of light. This allows physicists to use mathematics to express physical laws and relationships in a natural and intuitive way.
In addition, physicists often use units of measurement when interpreting mathematical expressions. For example, the equation E=mc^2 means that energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, provided that all values are expressed in the appropriate units of measurement.
The application of mathematics in physics is a complex and multifaceted process. This requires not only mathematical skills, but also an understanding of the physical meaning of mathematical concepts.
E.F.Redish, Problem solving and the use of math in physics courses Department of Physics, University of Maryland College Park, MD, 20742-4111 USA, Invited talk presented at the conference, World View on Physics Education in 2005: Focusing on Change, Delhi, August 21-26, 2005.
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J. Tuminaro and E. F. Redish, «students 'use of mathematics in the context of solving physical problems: a cognitive model», University of Maryland preprint (2005), recommended for publication,
R. Hodges, University of Maryland, private notice (2005).
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E.F.Redish, Problem solving and the use of math in physics courses Department of Physics, University of Maryland College Park, MD, 20742-4111 USA, Invited talk presented at the conference, World View on Physics Education in 2005: Focusing on Change, Delhi, August 21-26, 2005.
D. Hammer, physics teacher, 27 ,664 (1989); am. Jay Fiz., 64 1316 (1996).
learning to read Natural Sciences: Physics for Biological sciences professionals, /.
J. Tuminaro, doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, faculty of physics (2004).
A. Collins and W. Ferguson, teacher-psychologist 28: 1, 25 (1993).
J. Tuminaro and E. F. Redish, «students 'use of mathematics in the context of solving physical problems: a cognitive model», University of Maryland preprint (2005), recommended for publication,
R. Hodges, University of Maryland, private notice (2005).
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