Literary significance of Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly's “genealogy of turkish, kyrgyz-kazakh and their khans”
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chronicle, prose, poetry, chronicler, literary criticism, characterization.Abstract
. The article aims to determine the significance of Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly’s
“Genealogy of Turkish, Kyrgyz, Kazakh and their khans” as a literary heritage. In the study, the
artistic and ideological function of the image of historical figures in the “Genealogy of Turkish,
Kyrgyz, Kazakh and their khans” by Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly is analyzed, a comprehensive literary
analysis is made in order to determine the ideological-compositional structure and stylistic
individuality of the work, the literary character of the biographical narratives in the chronicles is
determined, folklore contained in the chronicles the artistic function of the samples was analyzed. In
the course of the study, methods of collection, systematization, comparison, formulation of
materials, historical-comparative, complex-systematic analysis were used.
The genealogy provides valuable information about the origin, history, traditions and customs
of the people. In the article, the literary significance of Shakarim's genealogy is determined by
analyzing the characterizations given to historical figures, literary and artistic methods. In the
conclusion, it is concluded that Shakarim's genealogy is a historical-literary work with prose and
poetry parts, and several features of the genealogy that show its literary character are shown.
In the course of the study, the scientific and theoretical conclusions of Sh.Sh. Valikhanov,
A. Baitursynov, S. Kaskabasov, etc.scientists were guided on this topic in literary and folklore
studies. The results achieved during the study can be used in teaching disciplines “history of
Kazakh literature”, “Shakarimtanu”, which are taught in universities
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