Adaptation of the environmental education system for sustainable development
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environmental literacy, sustainable development, climate change, environmental culture, environmental education, environmental components, «green» universities.Abstract
This article discusses the possibilities of adapting youth environmental education to all its levels, disseminating environmental knowledge, and forming practical environmental protection skills that are timely in the context of the prevailing consumer behavior of mankind. The purpose of the study is to identify the main conditions for forming ecological culture and education as an integrated approach, to strengthen the continuity and continuity of educational programs within the framework of the practical implementation of environmental strategies adopted in Kazakhstan.
Using the data of the analytical report on the results of the study of the awareness of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan on climate change, presented by UNDP in 2022, the level of knowledge, behavior, and practical experience of the population on the most important issues of Environmental Protection were determined and evaluated. The study results also became a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of programs aimed at increasing environmental education and reforming the environmental education system in the interests of sustainable development. The study allowed the people of Kazakhstan to identify the current situation with the environment in the context of environmental education and develop adaptive measures to increase the level of environmental culture and education of the younger generation. Also, to implement the goals and objectives of “green” universities, the possibilities of adapting the experience of foreign “leaders” universities to the undergraduate programs of Narxoz University in the direction of “Environment and sustainable development” were studied.
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