Origin of the Ethnonym Sirgeli
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sir, sento, sirgeli, Oysyl-Kara, trident, Tonyukuk, Golden Horde.Abstract
The article discusses scientific forecasts of the enthogenesis of the Sirgeli tribe. The
name Sirgeli has historical and mythological significance. S.G. Klyashtorny says that the Seyanto
tribe, which is contained in ancient Chinese chronicles, is the Sir tribe. The name sir is found in the Tonykok monument: «Turk sir budun yerinte bod kalmadu». There is an opinion that there is a
historical and phonetic connection between the current Sirgeli tribe in Kazakhstan with the Sir tribe.
According to our hypothesis, Seyanto is the indigenous ancestral source of the Sirgeli tribe. In the
genealogy, the Sirgeli tribe originates from the Oysyl man. Academician A. Margulan calls it the
totem of Oysylkarа. The first tribe that gave this name was the Huns. Bronze sculptures of
Oysylkara, masters of the Huns who inhabited the 2nd century BC, serve as evidence. Oysyl is one
of the owners of 4 types of livestock (camel) in Kazakh folklore. This is the name of the idol of the
religion of naturalism. Professor A. Konyratbaev believes that the cult of Oysylkara is the result of
anthropological mythology. The word Kara denotes the title of the ancient Turks. In the country of
Karakhan (Karakhanids), the khan was called Bugrakhan. That is, a strong khan. Thus, the totemOysylkara is a name associated with a political title.
Also, the article will make pictographic, folklore, nuismatic comprehensive analyzes of the
enthogenesis of the Sirgeli tribe.
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